Derby’s Easton Splane – Football Spotlight – Presented by Damm Pharmacy

Easton Splane is a senior at Derby High School and is ready to step onto the football field for the last season as a Panther. While on the field, Splane plays free safety. After asking Splane what he is most looking forward to this season, he replied, “I’m excited to be able to play this season with the guys that always got my back.” These are teammates and friends Splane has played with since he was a kid, and they seem to have a special chemistry going on. “Great chemistry with each other is key to being able to play well together on the field.”

When asked what he did during the offseason to prepare for this fall season, Splane was all about team, “not just me, but as a team.” As a team, they spent time in the weight room. Putting on weight and getting faster was a major focus for Splane and his teammates. With the team being such good friends, they are excited to workout together and put the hard work in during the offseason together to see the benefits during the season.

Splane has proven his worth while playing for Derby by finishing his junior year with almost 70 tackles. This was double the number of tackles from Splane’s sophomore year. A goal for Splane this season is to increase the number of tackles during the season. As a team, they want to see improvement daily. “Our team goals are to keep improving every week and to attack everyday with intensity.”

Looking to the future, Splane would like to continue his football career at the collegiate level while earning a degree in business or marketing.