Goddard’s Cooper Glasscock – Military Family Spotlight Presented By Davis-Moore

By Matt Browning

Goddard’s Cooper Glasscock has a long lineage of family serving the United States of America.

Glasscock’s oldest brother is serving in the Navy in Singapore, his second brother is in the Army National Guard and then Glasscock’s grandpa and uncle were veterans of the US Army and Air Force.

“Having family in the military has affected me in many different ways by being very proud of my family and my brothers,” Glasscock said. “It has also made me push myself to be as strong, brave and resilient like them.”

Being able to tell friends that his family has proudly served the country is one of the best advantages for Glasscock.

“I also get to say that my family served for this country,” Glasscock said. “Some disadvantages are obviously missing them because they are gone for so long and having to worry about them fighting in battles.”

While Glasscock has not ruled out the chances of being in the service, he’s going to take some time before he makes a decision.

“I do have a little bit of interest on going and joining the military because I want to follow in my brothers footstep,” Glasscock said. “But I also want to be something great and serving something greater than anything.”