Belle Plaine’s Maddy Talbot – Athlete Spotlight Presented By Shelter Insurance, Ken Gooch

By Hayden Swope

Maddy Talbot of Belle Plaine was a first team all-league and second team all-state softball selection for the Dragons last season. Besides softball, Talbot is involved in numerous activities at Belle Plaine.

“I have participated in volleyball, basketball, and softball all four years of high school,” Talbot said. “I have been involved in Student Council all four years and I am Student Council President this year. Along with being in Student Council, I have also participated in FCCLA, FLC, Art Club, Letterman’s Club, SADD, NHS, and FFA.”

With playing a sport every season, Talbot feels prepared and ready for the upcoming spring season.

“Being active in volleyball and basketball has kept me in shape, along with going to the gym on the weekends,” Talbot said.

After last season’s accolades and spending the offseason training and staying in shape, Talbot has important goals heading into the year.

“My goal is to improve my OBP on offense and my ERA on defense,” Talbot said. “I also want to end the season with a batting average over .500.”

Hoping to make it to the state tournament this year, Talbot is thankful for the experience and moments she has with it from the past.

My favorite memory so far is making it to state my freshman and sophomore year and finishing fourth my freshman year,” Talbot said.

After high school Talbot plans to further her education in Hutch to head into the medical field.

“I plan on attending Hutchinson Community College to get a degree in Physical Therapy Assistance,” Talbot said.