Wichita West’s Caleb Maholmes: KTA “Driving Change” Athlete Spotlight – Presented by KTAG

By Matt Browning

Being a leader is something Wichita West football player Caleb Maholmes takes seriously.

“To be a leader is being an example for others and show them rights from wrong,” Maholmes said. “It’s one of, if not the most important thing on my team.”

Maholmes said he is depended on by his coaches to be an extension of them.

“He (West head coach Jeremy Moss) looks to me to guide my team to greatness and success,” Maholmes said.

There are two types of leaders and Maholmes considers himself to be good at both.

“I consider myself to be both vocal leader and leader by example but, both of them are equally important to me,” Maholmes said.

Leaving the Pioneer football program better when he leaves than it was when he first started is important to Maholmes. He wants to set a standard for every player that comes through the program.

“I try to do the same to influence and motivate my underclassmen as much as I can because I want leave a legacy when I leave Wichita West High School,” Maholmes said.