Derby’s Kenadie Casanova – Volleyball Spotlight – Presented by Advanced Physical Therapy
On and off the court this season, Derby High School Volleyball players want to actlike a family. One senior, Kenadie Casanova is helping lead the team to this goal.Other goals for the team are to encourage each other when teammates are downand show kindness to everyone on and off the court. Casanova individually wantsto play […]
Derby’s Carsen Carpenter – Volleyball Spotlight – Presented by Uplink
Senior leader from Derby High School, Carsen Carpenter is hoping to help thevolleyball team work together this year as one unit. “My biggest goal is having ateam with good communication and chemistry.” These are the team goals forDerby, but Carpenter also has individual goals to accomplish. Carpenter would liketo find the open spots on the […]
Derby’s Addie Struble – Volleyball Spotlight – Presented by Madrocks
Addie Struble is a defensive specialist for Derby High School’s volleyball team. Agoal for Struble this season has been working on serve receive percentages. As forthe team, Struble is working on helping the team stay focused and being positiveon the court. Struble shared how Derby had a rough start to the season. As the season […]