By Matt Browning (Photo Credit FlicksbyJD)
There is no doubting Andover Central’s Jayden Brown on the basketball court. The senior guard averaged 18 points, three rebounds and two assists per game on his way to being selected first team all-league.
But now Brown wants to improve the off the court part of his game.
“I’m wanting to improve my leadership,” Brown said. “I stepped into that role last year, but as I look back I could’ve done a lot better and I believe I know what it takes to be a good leader for our team and I look forward to providing that for us. I’ve worked on my leadership by just building that confidence with a lot of hard work I’ve put in the gym. Also the countless phone calls with coach just knowing he has confidence in me to be a leader for this team and telling me what It takes just gives me more confidence for my senior year.”
While it’s difficult to imagine Brown getting better, he focused on his strength throughout the offseason.
“I’ve been hitting the weights extremely hard to get stronger,” Brown said. “I dedicated lifting this offseason which I haven’t done previously. I train three times a week with my personal trainer Adrian Maloney Jr., who’s been training me since fifth grade.”
Much of Brown’s workouts this summer were individual ones, so just getting to play against competition is one thing he is looking forward to this season.
“I’m most excited about getting on the court and just playing in general,” Brown said. “The offseason is a lot of just solo work, so I’m pretty excited to compete versus someone other than myself.”