Eisenhower’s Derek Morgan-Athlete Spotlight-Presented by All Seasons

By Matt Browning

The quarterback position is the most powerful and influential one on the football field. Every player should look to the quarterback to be the leader.

Eisenhower quarterback Derek Morgan fully understands this and is making it a point to be better at it in 2024.

“One thing I am working to improve on is being a better leader for my teammates,” Morgan said. “As a quarterback, the team looks to you, so you need to be able to handle yourself in all situations. Last year, I looked up to our senior class, as they had a number of great leaders. This year, I have been trying to set an example for my guys and show them what needs to happen in order to win it all.”

Morgan broke six school records last season for the Tigers, which made it to the 5A semifinals. This season, he wants to eclipse everything that took place in 2023.

“I want to break all of the records I set last season, and then some,” Morgan said. “As a team, our goals are to go undefeated, win league, and then win state.”

With his college decision already made (Lehigh University), Morgan spent his offseason with his senior season in mind.

“This past offseason, I did a number of camps and junior day college visits, including the invite-only Elite 11 national quarterback competition in Las Vegas,” Morgan said. “I also played with the Wichita Wheat 7-on-7 team this spring, which was a great experience. I have continued to do athletic training, quarterback training, and different workouts in order to be ready to play my last year of high school football.”