Wichita Heights’ Landon Joynt-Athlete Spotlight-Presented by Farmers Insurance, Braden Carter

Landon Joynt of Wichita Heights couldn’t believe how fast the season flew, but is proud of himself and his team’s hard work all throughout the spring season.

“I feel that the season went by way too fast even with the additional games, but overall I feel that during my time with Heights, this season was the best season we have had as a team so far,” Joynt said. “We learned a lot from last season and we just put everything together perfectly this year from perfecting the little things fielding wise to simply doing a job with our hitting, and I’m so proud of all my teammates and how we all played.”

All it took was one right hit over the fence to send an electric feeling throughout the rest of the season, and Joynt remembers it all too well.

“It’s pretty hard to decide exactly what my favorite memory was because this season was full of them, but I will go with Cooper Oakley’s walk off home run against Bishop Carroll because we were hyped and the energy that created was out of this world and that carried into the next game which we proceeded to sweep,” Joynt said.

Joynt has big plans and major goals to cross off after graduation, and he’s excited to see where the future takes him.

“At the end of the summer I leave for basic training for the Army and once I finish that I plan to get my bachelor’s degree in law and legal studies from West Point,” Joynt said. “After that I will start my application for the FBI and down the road I plan to start my own private security company and maybe a few other companies but I will go with the flow and see where life takes me.”