Clearwater High School SAFE Program Presented By KTSRO

By Matt Browning

The Clearwater SAFE program makes sure to stay involved not only at the high school, but throughout the district as well.

The SAFE staff, which consists of seniors Bryson Snell and Elizabeth Tjaden, juniors Camryn Carlson and Trent Fisher, sophomore Justin Berlin and freshman Makena Hampton, starts the year off with an important event. The baseline seatbelt survey sets the tone for the year.

“Clearwater students have been very good about buckling up and we typically start the year off with at least 95 percent of our students buckling up,” SAFE sponsor Justin Jacks said. “Throughout the year the SAFE Team members provide traffic safety information for other students. We provide this information in many different ways which include writing statistics and facts with chalk on the sidewalks, information slides on the televisions around the school, announcements over the intercom.”

There are other events the Clearwater SAFE program puts on that feature a variety of unique ways to talk about the importance driving safety.

“Although we didn’t do it this year the previous two years we did a Film on the Field event,” Jacks said. “One thing we do every year is a SAFE/SADD Dance in February all those in attendance sign a pledge cards and we give away a few gift cards. We have recently put on a Half Time minute to win it competition during basketball season where we also talk about SAFE program and provide information in the Commons at a table. This year we will be hosting the ThinkFast game show themed program about driving safety. We have hosted Miss Kansas each year as well. Our SAFE Team also plans to put on the Boosters to Belts at Clearwater Elementary this year.”