Northwest’s Lexi Wimberly- Track Spotlight-Presented by Shelter Insurance, Shari Lewis

Lexi Wimberly of Northwest had a big switch going into this year’s track season, as she transferred more into long distance events. Even with the switch, Wimberly was proud of herself and her team this season.

“My track season was pretty good,” Wimberly said. “It was very difficult as it was very different from last season. This season I focused on longer distances for the first time like the two mile as I had never run the two mile before in track. I was proud each time I ran it and finished the season getting sub 14 for the first time at 13:49.”

Even though her two minute mile was successful all season, it wasn’t always easy to uphold with her other events.

“It was a little frustrating because I didn’t PR in any other race and I didn’t really run the 800 much this season but it was still a great season,” Wimberly said. “I did have a goal to run a low six minute mile and I was close to getting a PR from last season in the mile.”

Something Wimberly will always remember is getting support from her team and her supporting her teammates heading into those postseason meets.

“My favorite memory from the season was watching several of my teammates give it they’re all at regionals and make their way to state,” Wimberly said. “I’m so proud of all of them.”

Wimberly plans to further her running career and her education after graduation.

“My plans after high school are to go to Newman University where I will study Medical Diagnostics on sonography and I will run with the Newman cross country team,” Wimberly said.