By Matt Browning
Circle’s Katelyn Paul had the chance to play with her little sister, Bri, last season, but unfortunately injuries limited their play time together.
So Katelyn is excited to be able play with her sister again.
“While there are so many things I’m looking forward to this season, what I’m most excited about is playing alongside my little sister,” Paul said. “I’m really looking forward to (hopefully) sharing one last season with my favorite person.”
Paul’s offseason training was a bit more unique than a normal one.
“I joined our school’s swim team in the spring, which was great for my physical conditioning,” Paul said. “And I’ve kept up with swimming while also incorporating weightlifting into my routine.”
One of the foundations of being a good volleyball player is the serve-receive and Paul focused on being better in that area.
“I believe serve-receive is the foundation of volleyball, which is why I focused on it during the off-season,” Paul said. “The most beneficial training I did was playing sand volleyball. It not only improved my overall
ball control but also helped me strengthen my mindset.”
As a senior, Paul has one thing in mind for Circle volleyball.
“I’ve set high expectations for both myself and my team, and the ultimate goal is to make it back to the state tournament for my third year in a row,” Paul said. “I know it won’t be easy, but I’m confident that my
teammates and I are more than willing to work hard and push ourselves to ensure that our team succeeds.”