Derby’s Gavin Pfannenstiel – Football Spotlight – Presented by Uplink

Derby high school is gearing up for its fall football season and Gavin Pfannenstiel, an outside linebacker, is ready to play his senior season of high school football. Derby will start their fall football season with a game against Hays High School; a game Pfannenstiel is really looking forward to playing. Another game that is special to most senior athletes is senior night. This is no exception for Pfannenstiel who shared with Vype Magazine, “I am really looking forward to senior night.”

Last year, as a junior, Pfannenstiel had 91 tackles during the season, so Pfannenstiel has upped his goal for this year and is wanting to produce 100 tackles for The Panthers. During his junior year, Pfannenstiel also had an interception. “I’m proud of that because after having two surgeries on my foot my sophomore year, I feel like that was good progress to where I want to be.”

During the offseason, Pfannenstiel has been working out to increase strength and taking time for all scheduled team lifts. Pfannenstiel also worked on his footwork during the offseason and on pressures. In addition to all his local training, Pfannenstiel has attended camps to help with his football skills.

In the spring, Pfannenstiel plays baseball for the high school and enjoys playing basketball with his friends. After graduation this coming spring, Pfannenstiel wants to play football in college although he is undecided which college to attend. He plans to eventually find a trade for his career. Pfannenstiel is interested in becoming an electrician.