Derby’s Rylee Sliva-Athlete Spotlight-Presented by Damm Wellness

It was a family connection that got Derby’s Rylee Silva interested in the medical industry.

“My biggest family inspiration was my sister,” Silva said. “She is currently in the healthcare industry and showed me that working in the lab is an amazing option for my career due to my interests.”

A professor at Butler County inspired Silva to specify her future in medicine and now Silva has more clearly defined direction.

“I am specifically interested in Medical Laboratory Sciences,” Silva said. “I became interested in this profession because of Professor Elliot. She was my microbiology professor at Butler Community College and made microbiology one of my most enjoyable classes. She taught me about multiple bacteria and useful techniques that I can use when working in the lab to grow cultures. Professor Elliot helped me realize how much I like working in the lab.”

Silva recently graduated with her Associates from Butler, which helped her with her future plans.

“I graduated from Butler Community College on May 10th with my Associate in Health Sciences and plan to continue my education at WSU in the Medical Laboratory Sciences program they have this coming fall semester,” Silva said.

While she currently does not have any internships or jobs in the industry, she is planning on get some opportunities soon. “I currently do not have any internships or jobs down the line, but I plan to look for some shadowing opportunities in the near future,” Silva said.